Manipulation is the use of manual techniques such as massage, bone setting, osteopathy, myofascial therapy in healing and to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions through rehabilitation including spinal disorder. This type of method may seem similar, but there are differences between them in theory and techniques, but all work towards the same goal, which are to treat the underlying conditions. It can also be used as a complementary treatment to other management options, specifically when it comes to increasing range of motion and reducing pain.

Massage Therapy
It focuses on improving and maintaining your overall well-being by primarily used to reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps to promote relaxation, flexibility, and better blood circulation.
Myofascial release therapy
Myofascial release involves soft tissue treatment that focuses on relieving tension via removal of adhesions which can develop in tissue. It restores the motion of the soft tissue, re-align, and re-establish the optimal texture, resilience, and functions of the soft tissue. During a treatment, the physician will apply a soft compression, while a shearing force is applied to address the lesions; the patient will also be requested to actively move in various positions according to the instructions given, with the aim to release the tension.
Post-surgery myofascial specialised therapy
Often, other than pain at the surgery area, there are restriction in movements, tightness at the surgical area especially after the scar tissues formed during the healing process. This causes the interlacing structures that are designed to slide and glide the muscle tissues to be disrupted. With this light touch therapy, it gently releases the tension, knots, and connective tissue.